Chipotle Mexican Grill Menu – San Jose, CA
Fast-food chain offering Mexican fare, including design-your-own burritos, tacos & bowls. Based on 323 reviews, the restaurant has received a …
Fast-food chain offering Mexican fare, including design-your-own burritos, tacos & bowls. Based on 323 reviews, the restaurant has received a …
Award-winning pizzas with a laid back California surf vibe. Enjoy pizza by the slice or whole pies, California fresh salads, …
Based on 121 reviews, the restaurant has received a rating of 4.4 stars. Price $ ✔️ Takeout ✔️ Delivery Address: …
Counter-service chain for Vietnamese staples such as banh mi, plus some classic deli sandwiches. Based on 792 reviews, the restaurant …
At El Camaron De Sinaloa we take pride in providing authentic and quality Mexican food while also having a family …
Casual Thai eatery offering a variety of classic dishes, including dozens of vegetarian options. Based on 531 reviews, the restaurant …
Smashburger is an innovative restaurant concept that is redefining its category by providing a burger experience that combines the superior …
Eatery featuring Cambodian dishes such as fish curries & kebabs in a down-to-earth setting. Based on 237 reviews, the restaurant …
Spoonfish Poke is where you will come hungry and leave happy. Our poke is carefully crafted with the freshest and …
琴诗酒伴皆抛我,雪月花时最忆君。各位伙伴们又有多久没有相约三五好友小酌一番了呢?南湾即将开张的炭所小酒馆也许能够满足你对这场聚会的所有幻想。这里有气氛,有格调,当然,还少不了大家追寻的美酒佳肴。 碳所小酒馆的开业为湾区平淡无味的夜生活添加了一丝浪漫。为了让大家的生活更加丰富多彩,炭所将烤串,精品特色菜,接地气下酒菜以及各类精美特色酒水饮料完美融合,配合现场舞台表演直接将氛围拉满。这样的小酒馆,您期待吗? 炭所提供了一个既好吃又好玩的一个解压的夜生活场所,以微醺文化为背景的酒馆,打造年轻潮人聚集的夜生活,打破常规、冲破束缚,脱掉所有的伪装让夜晚从这里开始爆炸,时尚的国潮装修风格更是独具匠心!用心打造视觉形象和空间效果,呈现出独具一格的当代国潮风格,让您一秒穿越“世外桃源”。 对酒当歌,人生几何? 相约碳所,及时行乐 Based on 86 reviews, the restaurant has received a rating of 4.1 stars. Price $$ …