乡味小厨 – Uncle Liu’s Hot Pot Menu – Falls Church, VA
Casual Chinese spot offering many choices for design-your-own hot pot meals. Based on 271 reviews, the restaurant has received a …
Casual Chinese spot offering many choices for design-your-own hot pot meals. Based on 271 reviews, the restaurant has received a …
重庆火锅,又称毛肚火锅或麻辣火锅,其历史悠久,相传起源于明末清初的重庆嘉陵江畔、朝天门等码头船工纤夫的粗放餐饮方式。正宗重庆火锅重麻辣,牛油多,原料主要是牛毛肚,黄喉,鸭肠等,巴国素来“尚滋味”、“好辛香”,长久以来将辣椒、花椒及牛油在火锅上的结合发挥的淋漓尽致,为呈现未经改版的正宗重庆火锅,重庆老灶坚持底料自制.我们的重庆老师傅,从牛油的精心熬制,到香料的严格筛选及底料炒炙,坚持每一道工序的用心制作,将数十年重庆火锅经验浓缩成一锅精心自制的锅底。香浓热辣的自制健康锅底,配合当天的新鲜食材,大口吃肉,大碗喝酒,霸气随性,洒脱畅快,盛夏临锅,汗流浃背更是起劲,围炉聚饮欢呼处,百味消融小釜中。重庆老灶意在为您带来正宗的山城美味,及同心,同聚,同享,同乐的重庆火锅文化氛围。 The cooking concept of Chinese hot pot is simple . However, whether you go with family, friends, colleague, or …
Based on 338 reviews, the restaurant has received a rating of 4.4 stars. Price ✔️ Dine-in ✔️ No delivery Address: …
Based on 846 reviews, the restaurant has received a rating of 4.4 stars. Price $$ ✔️ Dine-in ✔️ No delivery …
KANDOU and KANSHA – Making people happy and showing our humble appreciation. These two ideals we started with when we …
Laid-back choice for make-your-own hot pot with a large selection of fresh ingredients. Based on 295 reviews, the restaurant has …